Scripture at Sunrise 3.4.09

“Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another…” -Romans 14:13
A Thought-Provoking Post by Josh Harris
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Why’d she have to smile?

The girl with purple hair smiled at me today. The girl with the purple hair and nose ring and black lipstick passed me on the sidewalk and smiled. Why’d she have to smile? I was so ready to despise her tromping along in those black boots, cigarette clinging to the corner of her mouth and hair straggling across her face. The gears were in place to unleash scorn. I was so sure she viewed me as a preppy, stuck-up jerk I wanted to hate her first.

But then she slapped me with a smile. And she meant it. It said “hello” and “lovely weather isn’t it?” all at once and made me feel like such a fool.

The girl with the purple hair smiled at me today. Next time I’m going to smile first.

Romans 14:13 “stop passing judgement on one another.”

This little piece is something I wrote back in 1999. I just came across it in an old file of random writing.

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