Church Administration

We believe that the churches of God and the state should be kept completely separate: that civil officers should be prayed for, conscientiously honored, and obeyed; that allegiance should be had in seeking the will of God in all church matters; the missionary endeavors should ever be executed from within the local church to without; that pastors and deacons, the only divinely appointed church officers, should be duly appointed, ordained, and brought to understand the sacred duties developing upon them; that the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, should be honored by both saint and sinner; that the Bible teaching should be constantly and consistently fostered by local church bodies; that members should be deliberately and prayerfully voted into the fellowship of the local body; that unruly church members should be prayerfully and scripturally disciplined by the local church; and that church letters should be granted to sister churches of the same faith and practice.

Acts 1:8, 13:1-35, Romans 13:1-7, Acts 14:23, 6:1-6, Acts 2:42, Revelation 1:10, Matthew 16:19, Acts 10:47, Matthew 18:15-17, Acts 15:19-27, Acts 18:27, Romans 16:1-2, Matthew 28:19-20

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For the Glory of God